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Type Design in Malaysia


Publication Design:

Everyday choice is considered to be a good thing (and in theory it is), but we are told it is often harder to choose when we have a large amount of options. As a result, we often make snap decisions so we don’t have to choose.
The same can be said for typeface selection (a common problem amongst designers today?),

Type Choice?

To highlight and promote the typefaces designed by Malaysian designers, this project will explore how designers create typefaces to suit all people in Malaysia, as the graphic design and type industry in Malaysia is not well-recognized; even Malaysians don’t know that the beautiful and unique typefaces they are using are designed by Malaysians, all with the same target audience, which is the people of Malaysia, aiming to promote multiculturalism, multiracialism, and multilingualism.

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A5 Folded Booklet

To educate people and learn more about Malaysian typography. It can also serve as an A3 poster, as it is folded 2 times into A5. People can stick it on the wall for decoration or for informative insights for future reference.

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